Sunday, May 23, 2010

Grad Dress


So this week I've been trying something I've never done much of before, which is sewing (and quite a big project at that). So it's Jon's graduation this June and I hadn't gotten a dress yet, so my bestie/Jon's sister Laura is helping me to sew a dress to wear to grad! Excittttingggg!! After having some doubts and a bit of hissy fit (me, not Laura), I was able to pick out a pattern that I really love and hopefully will look awesome on me...

I love it! This is a Vogue pattern (as if Vogue even does sewing patterns!) that we decided on after searching through all the very pretty books in the store. Laura was very eager to try a patterned fabric like in the picture, but with this being my first sewing project, I was able to coax that idea straight out of her head and we decided on a timeless navy silk fabric. It's quite thick and very sturdy so the shape of the dress will (hopefully) hold come the big event!

So far my sewing/dress making class have been going really well - with the help of Ms Yates I've finished the bodice and today I started working on the dress pockets(!). It's been a little frustrating with all the sewing terminology that I'm not familiar with and my lack of experience, but Laura's been patient with me and I'm learning the basics. I've kind of dived into the deep end here, starting with such a big project, but what an excellent way to learn everything that I have to know! And of course if I screw this up royally, I can always hit up the shopping street and get myself something pretty there.

My main concern at this time is that grad is June 4th...which means I have under 2 weeks to get this sucka done...stay tuned to see how that goes!



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